




4.temporary,part time,irregular有什么区别?





       “Temporarily” 是一个常用的英语单词,意思是“暂时地、临时地”



       1. Temporarily adj./adv. + be/have/do

       例如:I will temporarily stay at my friend's house for a few days while I look for a new apartment.(我暂时会在朋友家住几天,找新房子的时候再说。)

       2. Temporarily + Noun

       例如:The store is temporarily closed due to renovation.(这个店因为装修暂时关闭。)


       1. Temporarily suspend/stop/postpone

       例如:We have decided to temporarily suspend the project to do more research on it.(我们决定暂时停止这个项目,更多地去研究它。)

       2. Temporarily halt/shut down/cease

       例如:Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the school was temporarily closed from March to June. (因为新冠疫情,学校从三月到六月暂时关闭了。)

       3. Temporarily relocate/move/interrupt

       例如:The company will temporarily relocate to another office while the original one is being renovated.(公司将在原办公室装修期间暂时搬到另一处办公室。)

       4. Temporarily struggle/adjust/modify

       例如:After graduation, it's common for students to find themselves struggling temporarily before finding a job they are satisfied with.(毕业后,学生暂时找不到满意的工作,是很常见的。)


       1. 错误用法:I will come back in a temporary.

       正确用法:I will come back temporarily.

       2. 错误用法:We will temporary postpone the meeting.

       正确用法:We will temporarily postpone the meeting.

       总的来说,“temporarily” 是一个非常常用的单词,我们在日常生活和工作中如果需要表达“暂时”的意思,就可以用这个单词。同时在写作和口语中,我们也需要准确地使用它,以避免造成不必要的困惑或误解。


       1、Students were kept away when it was used as a?temporary?morgue for earthquake and tsunami victims.


       2、The family have won a?temporary?reprieve from eviction


       3、The farm bill is under a?temporary?extention right now.


       4、Hehui is a kind of?temporary?mutual aid team of old times to circulate necessary funds.


       5、Thus it is disputable and?temporary?theory, sometimes it can't win public acceptation.


       6、Before fear memories are stored in the long-term memory, there is a?temporary?labile phase.


       7、The last group of options deals with input, output, and?temporary?files.


       8、The system requires 2560 locations and USES an additional 128 locations as?temporary?storage.


       9、They threw up a?temporary?building.


       10、Just now I was playing solitaire and a new?temporary?secretary brought me my mail.



       电脑里temp指临时文件,temp是temporary的简写,Windows常常把一些临时文件放在里面,如上网产生的临时文件放在Temporary Internet Files文件夹可以删除里面的文件,但别把文件夹本身删除。


演示机型:MateBook X 系统版本:WIN10

        电脑里temp指临时文件,temp是temporary的简写,Windows常常把一些临时文件放在里面,如上网产生的临时文件放在Temporary Internet Files文件夹可以删除里面的文件,但别把文件夹本身删除。

temporary,part time,irregular有什么区别?




       n. 临时雇员。

       v. 临时做工。

       abbr. 暂时的(=temporary)。



       temp,位于C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\内。很多临时文件放在这里,用来收藏夹,浏览网页的临时文件,编辑文件等。

       He's been temping for over a year now and wants a permanent job.






       adj. 暂时的;临时的。

       n. 临时工。




       He suffered a temporary loss of memory.



       temporary :临时的,短暂的;是指在一定的时间内持续的行为或现象。This is our temporary quarters in the village .这是我们在村子里的临时住处。

       part time :部分时间的,兼职的;I am looking for a part time job. 我在寻找一份兼职后勤工作。

       irregular: 不规则的,没有规律的;an irregular verb .不规则动词。



       temporarily,英语单词,主要用作为副词,用作副词译为“临时地,临时”。短语搭配:temporarily ad(一时地);Temporarily relieves(临时缓解);Temporarily On(临时开启)。



       1、The stress of war temporarily unhinged him.


       2、When she went outside she was temporarily blinded by the sun.


       3、Soldiers had temporarily closed the border between the two countries.




       temporarily ['temp?r?rili]

       adj. 临时的

       adv. 暂时地,临时地

       temporary ['temp?r?ri]

       adj. 暂时的,临时的

       n. 临时工
